Mirzoyan Studio Bursa Bar

Mirzoyan Studio designs music-inspired bar in Kyiv

Ukrainian design studio Mirzoyan Studio has completed the interiors of Bursa Bar, a Japanese-inspired hideaway in Kyiv’s Bursa Hotel. 

The studio was tasked with creating a cosy music bar that would attract music lovers and vinyl enthusiasts, and ultimately opted for a design scheme that is a reflection of contemporary Japanese culture. 

Given its small dimensions, the space features simple and functional zoning. Upon entry is a DJ booth and vinyl collection, in the centre a dance floor and on either side bar counters for cocktails and snacks. Mirzoyan Studio has paid particular attention to acoustic design, with the architects seeking to craft a space reminiscent of a musical instrument – whereby guests feel as though they are inside a giant music speaker or guitar, surrounded by plywood. 

Mirzoyan Studio Bursa Bar

Subtle nods to Eastern culture feature throughout the space, including orthogonal lines and clean shapes. Plywood serves as a basis for walls, ceilings and furniture, while touches of stainless steel also find home on countertops and chairs. Much of the furniture meanwhile has been custom-made by Ukrainian craftsmen. 

Lighting plays a crucial role in the design, with accents in guest seating areas, and soft linear lighting to emphasise vinyl shelves and drinks.

Photography: © Yevhenii Avramenko